Industry news
Classification of tapes.
Time : 29.09.2016      Source :      Click :
According to the substrate division: can be divided into BOPP tape, Burkina Faso tape, kraft paper tape, the US profile of paper tape, fiber tape, PVC tape, PE foam tape.
According to the scope of application: can be divided into warning tape, carpet tape, electrical tape, protective film paper glue, Chan Raomo tape, sealing tape, module tape.
According to the market penetration rate: can be divided into ordinary tape, special tape.
According to the application of environmental temperature: can be divided into low-temperature tape, room temperature tape, high-temperature tape.
Classified according to the paste: single-sided tape and double-sided tape.
1) Jumbo Roll The parent roll is the prototype tape down, the width of 1 to 1.5 meters, the length of a few hundred meters to several kilometers, depending on the substrate may be.
2) Log Roll The volume of the roll after the volume rewinding, the same width, the length varies according to requirements (usually 100 meters, 50 meters, 25 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters).
3) Slit Roll small volume (finished volume) that is generally on the market products.
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